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The SEC Will Not Kill Solana

The Solana Foundation disputes the SEC's classification of its SOL token as an unregistered security. Echoing Ripple's ongoing legal battle, Solana maintains SOL isn't a security, backed by strong community support despite regulatory hurdles.

June 10, 2023 by Illustrious

The Solana Foundation has come out strong against allegations made by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that its SOL token is an unregistered security. These charges arose in the wake of recent lawsuits filed by the SEC against major cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance.US and Coinbase. The SEC accuses these exchanges of trading crypto asset securities, which, according to their allegations, includes the SOL token.

"The Solana Foundation strongly believes that SOL is not a security," the organization stated in a response to the SEC's claims, shared with CoinDesk. They assert that SOL is the native token to the Solana blockchain, a project they describe as "a robust, open-source, community-based software project that relies on decentralized user and developer engagement to expand and evolve."

Such engagement, the Solana Foundation contends, is the lifeblood of their blockchain. They argue that it stands as a testament to the decentralized nature of their operations, a factor that, in their view, counters the SEC's characterization of SOL as a security.

Their confidence appears to be shared by the Solana community. At a recent hacker house event hosted by Solana in New York City, it was clear that the regulatory challenge posed by the SEC is not dampening spirits or enthusiasm for the project.

"I don't think any of the developers give a shit," one developer told CoinDesk at the event. "SOL being a security doesn't really affect anyone building on top of Solana."

This battle with the SEC is reminiscent of a similar regulatory skirmish involving Ripple Labs and its native XRP token. In 2020, the SEC alleged that Ripple had conducted a $1.3 billion unregistered securities offering. Ripple has, however, managed to stay afloat despite these charges. The company is currently locked in a legal battle with the SEC but has held its ground and continues to maintain a substantial user base and market presence.

Many observers have noted that Ripple's ongoing resilience in the face of the SEC's allegations and legal action may be an encouraging sign for Solana. The SEC's charges against Ripple have not led to the demise of XRP. Instead, the case has dragged on, and at the time of writing, Ripple appears to have the upper hand, with the SEC losing some of its claims in court.

The fate of Solana, much like that of Ripple, will depend on the legal interpretation of the token's nature and the workings of its underlying blockchain. It's an open question whether the SEC's classification will hold or if Solana will prevail in maintaining SOL's status as a non-security asset. Regardless of the outcome, the Solana Foundation's robust defense and the continued support of its developer community appear to place it in a strong position to weather the storm.

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