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Drift Protocol: Pioneering The Solana DEX Space

In the rapidly evolving world of DeFi, DEXes are quickly gaining popularity as a means to conduct secure and transparent financial transactions. Among the rising stars in this space is Drift Protocol, a DEX that has made history as the first platform to list $ARB perpetuals.

March 24, 2023 by Illustrious

In the rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance (DeFi), decentralized exchanges (DEXs) are quickly gaining popularity as a means to conduct secure and transparent financial transactions. Among the rising stars in this space is Drift Protocol, a DEX that has made history as the first platform to list $ARB perpetuals. The exchange has also witnessed remarkable growth in its total value locked (TVL), solidifying its position as a key player in the DeFi ecosystem.

First DEX to List $ARB Perpetuals

Drift Protocol made history on September 29, 2022, by becoming the first DEX to list $ARB perpetuals. This announcement, made via their official Twitter account, was met with excitement and enthusiasm by the DeFi community.

$ARB perpetuals are contracts that allow traders to take long or short positions on the price of the Arbitrum token without having to worry about contract expiration. By offering these perpetuals, Drift Protocol has provided an innovative and flexible trading opportunity for its users, catering to both experienced traders and newcomers alike.

Fastest Growing Total Value Locked (TVL)

Drift Protocol has also experienced a remarkable increase in its TVL, as mentioned in another tweet from the platform. TVL is a metric used in DeFi to measure the total amount of assets locked in a platform's smart contracts. A high TVL is generally considered a sign of confidence in the platform and an indicator of its growth potential.

In a previous article, we wrote about how Drift Protocol recently reached an all-time high in daily trading volume. The continued milestones further highlight the growing interest in the platform and its offerings.

Built on the Solana blockchain, Drift Protocol benefits from the network's high-speed transactions and low fees, providing an optimal trading environment for users. These factors have played a significant role in the platform's rapid growth and the expansion of its user base.


Drift Protocol's achievements in listing $ARB perpetuals and its impressive growth in TVL are testaments to the platform's commitment to innovation and user satisfaction. As the DeFi landscape continues to evolve, Drift Protocol is well-positioned to capitalize on the increasing demand for decentralized financial solutions. By providing cutting-edge trading opportunities and leveraging the benefits of the Solana blockchain, Drift Protocol is poised to become a significant player in the world of decentralized finance.

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